The lab was founded 2004, and since 2021 is labelled as Singular Laboratory, physically occupies two spaces, 110 m2 at the Polytechnic building, and 30 m2 at the Hospital Universitario Clinico San Cecilio. It is also labelled as the PAIDI TEP959 and IBS TEC-12 research groups, and is part of the Excellence Scientific Unit MNAT.
The projects below are examples of how Engineering can help Medical Science: by understanding and using the mechanics of tissue making use of ultrasound - mechanical waves whose interaction with tissue embraces many secrets.
Novel elastography biomarkers: viscosity and nonlinearity. Clinical application to melanoma diagnosis.
The adoption of multiscale approaches by the biomechanical community has caused a major improvement in quality in the mechanical characterization of soft tissues. The recent developments in elastography techniques are enabling in vivo and non-invasive quantification of tissues mechanical properties. Elastic changes in a tissue are associated with a broad spectrum of pathologies, which stems from the tissue microstructure, histology and biochemistry.
Role in the project
- Remotely impacting cancer cell phenotype via mechanical waves to fight cancer.
- To develop a prototype of medical device and ultrasonic bioreactor to impact cancer stem cells.
- Mechanotherapy will follow a pioneering approach in tackling carcinogenesis, acting towards the understanding and control of cellular mechanics behavior through mechanotransduction, combining research in the field of mechanics, genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomic information. Shear mechanical waves of specific frequencies and amplitudes can promote or suppress cancer cell proliferation.
Key contribution to the project
- Specifications and baseline (WP1, T1.2.1): Sintef, Pulsify and SMD
- Transducers (WP2, Tasks: T2.1.1, T2.2.2, T2.3.2): SAL, SMD and partner defined in WP1-T1.2.1
- Package (WP4, Tasks T4.1.3): HSG, SMD and partner defined in WP1-T1.2.1
- SW (WP5, T5.4.1): BUT, SMD and partner defined in WP1-T1.2.1
- Demonstration (WP6, T6.1.4, T6.3.1, T6.3.2): CSIC, SMD and Pulsify
- Dissemination, Communication, Exploitation (WP7, T7.1.1, T7.1.2): all participants
Rus Carlborg, Guillermo [website]
Romero Frías, Esteban [website]
Marchal Corrales, Juan Antonio [website]
María Isabel Nuñez [researchgate]
Palma Guerrero, Roberto [researchgate]
García Chaves, María Angel [scholar]
Hatem Faris, Inas [researchgate]
Callejas Zafra, Antonio [researchgate]
Jiménez González, Gema [researchgate]
Griñán Lisón, Carmen [researchgate]
Shamiminoori, Hirad [researchgate]
Cortes, Jose [researchgate]
Blanco Besteiro, Beatriz [scholar]
Torres Pérez, Jorge [website]
Hurtado Estévez, Manuel [website]
Martínez Moreno, Daniel [researchgate]
García San Martín, Natalia [website]
Pleguezuelos Beltrán, Paula [website]
UGR Ultrasonics Lab
Dpt. Mecánica de Estructuras
Universidad de Granada, ETSICCP
Politécnico de Fuentenueva
18071 Granada