The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), founded in 1939, is the successor of the Committee for Extension of Studies and Scientific Research (JAE), created in 1907 and whose first president was Santiago Ramón y Cajal.
The Institute for Physical and Information Technologies (ITEFI) is an institute within CSIC, created on the 26th of June 2013, dedicated to the research of physical technologies applicable to industrial, biomedical and environmental fields, as well as information technologies associated with security in communications.
The Sensors and Ultrasonic Systems Department of ITEFI-CSIC is the department participating in the project. The research activity related with ultrasonic systems is focused on the generation, propagation, reception and processing of ultrasonic signals and the interaction of ultrasonic energy with matter. Main applications refer to the assessment of material properties for medical diagnosis, industrial non-destructive testing and materials characterization. The group taking part in the project has extensive experience in the design, optimization and fabrication of ultrasonic transducers and dedicated electronic systems and signal processing tools and on the development of applications and demonstrators at industry level.
Role in the project
- Characterization of air-coupled PMUT, frequency range 100 kHz – 2 MHz.
- Application of optimization tools for transducer design.
- Analysis of packaging materials: properties, effects on transducers and materials selection. Analysis of the effect of packaging on transducers performance.
- Study of Use case related to the inspection of different materials using air-coupled ultasound. Primary frequency range 0.1-1 MHz. Main target materials are porous sheets. Examples are materials used in air filtration at large and small scale (e.g buildings, cars, and personal protection), related to: air-conditioning, air- purification, face masks, etc., materials for fluid filtration (osmosis, dialisis, etc.) and other porous membranes for different application as separators for Li-ion batteries, breathable technical textiles and venting materials. The use case is oriented towards systems for real time quality verification in fabrication line and continuous monitoring of material integrity while in use.
Key contribution to the project
ITEFI-CSIC contributes to Listen2Future project with:
- the capability to test and benchmark ultrasonic transducers for a variety of working conditions and operating frequencies,
- the capability to characterize, design and propose optimum passive materials for ultrasonic transducers for key functions as impedance matching or damping or structural components,
- the use of optimization tools during transducer design,
- the test, benchmark and use of PMUT for air-coupled testing of porous materials for quality testing in production and continuous performance monitoring while in use related to filtration in fluids (both gases and liquids) and other uses as membrane separators in Li-ion batteries, breathable technical textiles, and venting materials.
Institute of Physics and Information Technology (ITEFI)
of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Serrano 144
28006 Madrid