TUM participates with two partners, namely the Chair of Circuit Design and the Chair of Physics of Electrotechnology. Both are members of the department of Electrical Engineering, which belongs to the TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology uniting the disciplines of Mathematics, Informatics, and Electrical and Computer Engineering. The two partners bring along a broad expertise in circuit, microsystems, sensor and actuator design and in modeling, (virtual) prototyping and characterization of microstructured devices, circuits and systems. Research topics include (but are not limited to) CMOS circuits for sensor systems, acoustic, microelectromechanical and microfluidic transducers and a broad portfolio of design and modeling methodologies on device, circuit and system level.
Role in the project
In Listen2Future, TUM will perform research in the field of novel piezoelectric microphones (PMICs) with higher signal-to-noise ratios and reduced energy consumption, advanced read-out concepts, and novel circuit topologies for enhanced acoustic and ultrasonic transduction.
Key contribution to the project
Key contributions within Listen2Future include:
- Design, modeling and optimization of novel PMICs
- Investigation of novel read-out concepts (forced feedback)
- Development of advanced numerical design and optimization methods
- Development and optimization of receiving electronics for joint audio and ultrasound detection
- Analogue front-end circuitry design and novel circuit topologies for signal detection comprising compensation of cross talks, enhancement of signal-to-noise ration and suppression of parasitic signals.
Technical University of Munich
Arcisstraße 21
80290 Munich