Project Partner

Institute of Microelectronic Applications s.r.o.

We are a leading supplier of Access Control, Attendance, Catering, Parking and Localization Systems on Czech Market. We are providing on-key deployment and installation of integrated Access Control, Security, Fire-alarm and Surveillance Systems. We are re-investing 20% of our yearly turnover to Research and Development. We are active in National and European Research Projects.

IMA has been taking part in a number of grant projects both in the Czech Republic and abroad. We are the Institute of Microelectronic Applications. We are passionate about developing identification and other purpose solutions, and we have been successfully making progress in technology for 25 years. We can interconnect even seemingly incompatible fields of study, and integrate the resulting solutions into existing structures. See for yourselves.

Institute of Microelectronic Applications s.r.o. (IMA) was originally a limited private company (SME) located in Praha and Pardubice (CZ). As of the beginning of 2021, WITTE Automotive GmbH completed the acquisition of Institut mikroelektronických aplikací s.r.o. (IMA) and thus became the 100% owner of the company. As a result of this acquisition, the status of IMA is changing from a small/medium-sized enterprise (SME) to a large enterprise (LE). Being on the market since 1992, IMA is well established in the smart card business and follow up micro technologies bridging towards nanotechnology. IMA deals with electronic identification and utilizes smart cards, RFID/NFC, biometrics and wireless ZigBee technology. For 2 years IMA was chairing WG cards of EFMI (European Federation for Medical Informatics). IMA represents CZ in ISO and CEN groups for standards in health care domain.

Beside this, IMA was key partner for BioHealth project / awarded by Europe INNOVA/, in which proactive repository of standards for IDM, security and BioHealth has been created (more than 200 standards across ISO, CEN, ETSI and GS1). Providing large systems in CZ, IMA is now launching application hosted in NFC mobile set and collaborate with mobile operators on management of identities. Within real applications running IMA is piloting various advanced technologies.

IMA also provides integration services in terms of:

  • merging new eID systems into the existing infrastructure,
  • meeting legal regulatory base for eServices applied cross boarder within EU,
  • ensuring privacy and personal data protection and
  • data fusion and mining, profiling and correlations detection among identified objects.

This ensures safety and security for supervised persons at public spaces. Within EU projects (Artemis, Eniac, Catrene) IMA delivered electronic devices and applications for automotive and building domain – car data remote monitoring, car sensor data processing, advanced access management, EV charging data concentration, air quality monitoring services.

Role in the project

Within Listen2Future project IMA will develop an acquisition and processing system for the ultrasonic sensor data. This can be utilized for a new cloud service enabling AI-based maintenance prediction processes (UC 9). Developed AI based model followed by the application of the tool chain resulting in the optimization of the maintenance processes. To facilitate wider exploitation the development will be presented to dealers and external business representative of IMA products on annual technology days and with web articles.

Key contribution to the project

Improved long-term online monitoring of an infrastructure and detection, localization and characterization of acoustically manifesting events. AI approaches for identification and classification of severity of occurred events (e.g. partial discharges) by acoustic means and their linkage to the condition and health of the component (e.g. insulation performance). Reliable interconnection between acquired diagnostic data represented as acoustic signals and evolution of failure of the individual component (e.g. prediction of remaining useful life).


Jiří Havlík (Dipl. Eng.) [researchgate] [dblp]


Institute of Microelectronic Applications s.r.o.
Na Valentince 1003/1
150 00 - Praha 5